# Joey Is Right Here: Mexican flags <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mexican flags

There has been some to-do over the fact that immigration protesters have been carrying Mexican flags

The article points out some good questions, such as why people that want so badly to be Americans would carry a Mexican flag?

The response?

But those who carried them, and scholars of the immigrant community, say that pride in their culture should not be misconstrued as a lack of patriotism in their adopted nation.

"Nobody gets upset with the Irish on St. Patrick's Day," said Gabriela Lemus, director of policy and legislation at the Washington, D.C.- based League of United Latin American Citizens, the group that organized most of the recent protests and is heading the dozens of marches and rallies scheduled across the nation Monday.

Well Gabby, the reason why no one gets upset is because it is ST PATRICK'S DAY! You don't see Irish people in the US flying that flag, marching with that flag, or hanging it on their rearview mirror any other day of the year! No one "gets upset" at the Mexicans on Cinco De Mayo.

This is a particular problem with Hispanics (which is all the more infuriating with respect to the children of Hispanic immigrants), but other ethnicities and nationalities are guilty too. If you feel that the flag you are flying, best represents your values, your goals, and your dreams, why not return to that country? No one is preventing you from leaving. Those marching with American flags, the ones who think of themselves as Americans, should have first dibs. The rest...well they can go to...Mexico.



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