# Joey Is Right Here: Beer of the week (April 5th 2006) <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Beer of the week (April 5th 2006)

In addition to the photo of the week, I am going to post a beer recommendation of the week. I recently visited a local liquor superstore and like many, they allow consumers to mix and match a little. So for my mixed six:

Dogfish Head 90 Min IPA
Dogfish Head Aprihop (2)
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine
Ommegang Rare Vos
Ommegang Hennepin

I reached for an Aprihop and grabbed the IPA accidently. Those are the kind of accidents that are nice to have :)

The Dogfish Head 90 Min IPA

During Britain's colonial rule their famous ales weren't travelling well. But just because you are a half a world away from GMT, doesn't mean you are going to give up on good beer. As time went on, a discovery was made. If more hops are used, they will act as a preservative! They called it the India Pale Ale or IPA. The hops also made the beer more "bitter". Since then, the microbrew revolution as reinvented the style. American brewers that live for pushing the boundaries of beer, created the double imperial IPAs...like the 90min IPA.

This beer is worth seeking out. I compare the 60min IPA and the 90min IPA with Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale and Celebration. The 90min IPA clocks in at a brutal 9% ABV, which is surprisingly and dangerously well hidden. Dogfish Head also makes a 120min IPA which is even higher in hops and alcohol.

Next week, the Aprihop, a combination of Apricots and an IPA. Should be interesting!



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