# Joey Is Right Here: And who exactly are the plumbers union to tell anyone what type of urinals to put it? <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Friday, March 31, 2006

And who exactly are the plumbers union to tell anyone what type of urinals to put it?


Apparently the plumbers union in Philadelphia is mad that some no flush urinals are scheduled to be installed in a new skyscraper. If they were just upset, that is one thing, but who are they to tell a developer that he can't do that?

If the city council bows to the pressure, you will see a classic example of union idiocy. Always portrayed by Hollywood and the media as the good guys, they are frequently as bad or worse than the greediest of corporations. Let's face it: Unions are monopolies.

Here's hoping that freedom prevails,



At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are unions and there are unions. Your rabble-rousing Grandmother was involved in the teachers' union and even went out on strike. We thought she was going to go to jail - without collecting $200. Have her tell you the story.


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Clemens said...

What kind of urinals are they going to install? Does the union have a rationalization for their opposition? My brother is in the electricians union and there are certain types of jobs they will not do - fooling around with electricity has its downside.

Not sure what the downside of no flush urinals is (and not sure I want to think about it).

Anyway, we need more info.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Joey said...

I think the rationalization is (at least implied) that with no flush urinals, there is less that can go wrong, and therefore less potential work in the future. Of course even flushless urinals need sewer hookups so their objection seems sort of petty.

Even if it eliminated their work, the local governing board that they are lobbying has no right to demand that a private business install a type of urinal that aligns more with their personal interests.

I think they might be afraid that if it is successful, there will be others doing the same.

Moreover they will be installing the urinals so they will be compensated that way. You can't have your urinal cake and eat it too.


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Clemens said...

OK - by the by, on the idea hollywood always portrays unions as the good guys, you should watch 'On the Waterfront.'


At 12:34 AM, Blogger Joey said...

Ah, another reason to check that movie out.

Not having seen it, I am guessing that it portrays union bosses more unfavorably than the union itself?

For a while I was watching one classic movie a week at school. I think I got about 5 movies in before my study schedule interrupted me. I should take that up again.

That will definitely be a "contender" for my next rental ;)



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