# Joey Is Right Here: Are Muslims human beings? <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Are Muslims human beings?

Unless you have been living under a rock or in a cave, you have undoubtedly heard about the case of the Abdul Rahman, the Afghani convert to Christianity, who was sentenced to death under the hybrid Sharian-secular law for the crime of Islamic apostasy. Apparently it is much more inclusive of the former than the latter.

The reaction has been violent, and if you don't want to read the article it featured such reassuring comments as:

"If the government doesn't kill him, people in all provinces will demonstrate," said one young man, Mujibur Rahman. "All Muslims will be anti-government."

Another Kabul resident, Abdul Samad, said an example should have been made.

"People will follow this guy, seeking asylum and getting money from the West. We asked the government to execute this man at a public stadium as a lesson to others," he said.

What is wrong with Islam? What is it about Muslim thought that is so fundamentally backward?Why do their leaders have the intelligence and insightfulness of an extended interview of Paris Hilton by Jessica Simpson? It is hard to believe that a group of people as large as they are has been so left behind by the stampede of the ideals of freedom. The question is then, who needs to correct this? Christians? Jews? Hindus? Secularists? Atheists?

Unfortunately, it is not just these armpits of the globe that are suffering, they are bringing their collective retardation to the world's better nations. In the Netherlands, Theo Van Gogh was shot on a bicycle just outside of this house for his documentary on the brutality of Islam, aptly named Submission, which is what Islam means. Belgian police were encouraged to not be seen drinking coffee (which contains caffeine) during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, lest Mecca bowers be put off.

Even in North America we are facing a little bit of what our European counterparts are truly suffering from. In Canada, under recent law, the sex of a baby, determined by UltraSound, can not be told to the parents. Why? Because Muslims and Sikhs were aborting female babies. Keep in mind this is happening when there is extreme, immersive pressure to conform to the liberal notions of personal freedom and equality.

So what are we to do? First, we need to immediately halt all Islamic immigration to the United States. We can not afford to become like Europe where our freedoms are stripped away from third world idiots. The next step, is to come down REAL hard on abuses that are tolerated in other less desirable parts of the world. In Riyadh you may get to beat your wife to work out your inferiority complex, but not in this nation, bub.

Those may seem like radical steps but you have to consider the radical nature of the people with which we are dealing. While here, we need to up the ante in public schools to stop advocating the convenient lie of multiculturalism. No, not all cultures are created equal. I don't care how much you like eating food from a variety of countries (and count me in that group!) that doesn't make you a proponent of multiculturalism, nor do those that consider it a horrible, dangerous philosophy want a culture uniform blandness.

The much talked about HR4437 (which has some fundamental problems, which is for another post) is the first step in addressing the immigration problem. While the subject is fresh, let us take the opportunity to be more restrictive with allowing Muslims to enter the US. We need immigration, so let us tap countries that don't promote such revolting ideals. We can then evaluate the stance once the mindset has evolved.



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