# Joey Is Right Here: Will Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson just die already? <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Will Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson just die already?

When I first heard Imus' "nappy headed hos" line I thought it was both a) kind of funny and b) kind of unfair. These girls are amature athletes that just got some fame (and have been getting a lot more) and here is a national radio show host making fun of them.

It was all in jest and I thought the original two week suspension was kind of harsh especially given his bonafide contrition. We are now beyond the comment (which apparently is SOOOO offensive that it bears repeating dozens of times by every reporter who when reporting about Michael Richard's comments simply said "n-word")

I was pissed driving home. Imus apologized...multiple times...to those walking pieces of human excrement Jesse "A quarter pint of MLK's blood + two day old tshirt = advancing my political ambitions" Jackson and Al "I hate Jews" Sharpton.

MSNBC is full of idiots (::cough:: Keith Oberman) and CBS is full of pansies (Les Moonves is an absolute coward) that they couldn't hold off firing Imus until his RADIOTHON for CHILDREN's CANCER could be finished. On the plus side for that charity, they probably would not have received 50 bucks from me had this not happened. If you want to contribute the telephone number is 1-877-877-6464. Help a worthy cause, and send the message that there are those of us that are sick and tired of political correctness rearing its hypocritical head.

I think CBS and NBC will realize very quickly that people are a lot angrier at "thought police" than they are at Don Imus.


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