# Joey Is Right Here: Beer taste evolution <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Friday, February 02, 2007

Beer taste evolution

I was looking back over an old blog post before I started my JIRH blog:

Guess who got a letter read on Phil Hendrie Show? Yup you guessed it, me!

If you get a chance and are a backstage pass member check out the 3rd hour on Nov 11 2003 at the 20 minute mark. Or you can click here You could always IM me (aim) and I'll give you a copy.
If you want a transcript...

I sent the following letter to phs@philhendrieshow.com:

I heard you saying that dollar for dollar Heineken is the best beer you can get. I disagree, try Yuengling Traditional Lager. This stuff is bitchin and it's cheap. It is like Bud Light in terms of drinkability, but still has some flavor and it is smooth.

Great show!


So anyway, he responds...

That's not what I call a recommendation man...it's like Bud Light in terms of drinkability...in other words its like water?...but still has some flavor? OH WOW! What your saying, basically, is that Heineken is expensive, I GET IT! I understand! It is worth it to me to pay the extra dollar. Why do you want to drink crap you guys? I have been telling you guys as long as you have been listening to this show about don't drink crap. Some of you cats are sinking your hard earned money into piss, excuse my language. Some body has got to tell you...

If you are going to pay the money man, don't let someone tell you something is quality when it ain't! Blah Blah Blah (blahs inserted by me)


My response:

I was trying to make a comment about Bud Light being flavorless, thinking that would better my chances of getting the letter read. Yuengling is actually a fantastic beer. It is only 3.5% abv which allows you to have several without getting drunk. It also is flavorful but it isn't bitter unless it is badly skunked. This is the beer you should give to people that never have had beer before. On top of everything it is cheap! 8 bucks for a 12 pack is quite affordable for college students like myself :)

This is interesting for a number of reasons. One, Phil Hendrie is no longer on the air (he is still doing radio via a podcast. Two, Yuengling is not a fantastic beer, it is an acceptable beer. Three, the 3.5Abv is more like 5%. Four, now love "bitter" beers (iow, hoppy) but I thought I was liking hoppy beers almost immediately (let's put it this way, three months after that post I discovered Celebration and loved it) but I may have written that in the "this is what most people think" mindset. Not sure. Anyway...



At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know your taste in beer is evolving! We still have one last bottle of Ayinger Brau-Weisse left in the frigde and it will probably go tomorrow - thanks to your recommendation.

And I am enjoying the cognac you guys gave me! But when I go to Mellow Mushroom up here I stick to Oatmeal Porter (brewed in Asheville I believe).


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Joey said...

I should give some beers a second chance. For example, I was not a fan of Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot (despite loving every other beer they make).

Believe it or not, I think I have been averaging a beer a week. :|


At 9:11 PM, Blogger Clemens said...

No, I can believe it. I average two a day - hence I go for cheaper brews.

However, see the post I put up on Sententiae about "core" beer drinkers!



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