# Joey Is Right Here: European geography challenge <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

European geography challenge

Dad and I were talking the other day about how many places I had hit on my last leg. He mentioned, there were hardly any cities that a person could mention from a trip they took (vacation, not business) that I have not visited. We tried to name 10 that would be reasonable (yes, Berlin, no Trondheim). Dad joked that a lot of people would struggle to get 10. I dismissed it and said maybe at 20 you would have a hard time but not 10 (even if the last few came slowly).

Time to put theory into practice. He asks people in his office to play along. Now granted, there is a certain surprise element to the question but even granting someone that, 10 should be a slam dunk. Wrongo.

His experience was definitely mixed, with a few that could name one or less.

That is horrifying.

So if you are game, ask this around people you know and report back with the results.



At 10:22 PM, Blogger Clemens said...

Well let's see. The last trip to France I took I went to London, Paris, Angers, Craon, Sable, um, that was about it. The trip to Ireland pretty much stayed in Dublin. The first trip to France with Tia we went to Paris, London, Annecy, Lyons, Angers, Quimperle, Le Mans, and Tours. Probably some other places. I also went to Craon, Sable, and Bad Kreusnach (in Germany).

How many of those count, or am i supposed to mention cities I would like to visit?

At 2:19 AM, Blogger Joey said...

20 would be tough and slowing down would be expected. The ones you think of first are not always the common ones. Granny mentioned Lisbon, Oslo, Istanbul, and Geneva while omitting Rome (and Italy) altogether.



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