# Joey Is Right Here: Shenanigans in Florida's Govenor Republican Primary <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shenanigans in Florida's Govenor Republican Primary

Well I am finally back from the beach (I posted once over on Where Is Joey Today to keep my monthly post tradition going) since the red tide got too bad.

Dad was telling me something pretty interesting. Apparently there is an ad where Charlie Crist says that Tom Gallagher compared Jeb Bush to Fidel Castro. Here is the chain. Headline "Bush linked to Castro". The link? Jeb Bush supported Nafta which Tom Gallagher said could benefit Fidel Castro.

Not to be outdone, Gallagher points out that Crist supports a liberal spending bill. That spending bill is the Florida Class Size Ammendment. His position on the issue is largely irrelevant. As long as an ammendment is on the books (especially one that was passed so decisively) it will be difficult annul via another ammendment.

Politics as usual in the Sunshine state. Fwiw, I am backing Crist.



At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, nuts! Red tide, again!

I guess it is better to be entertained by our politicos than disgusted by them. Atta boy for voting in spite of everything. Your generation is kind of invisible to politicians because you do not vote. In the Generational Wars, Boomers will win if you guys don't wake up.

Are you going to 'Beerfest'? We went to Winston to see 'Wordplay' last night- very amusing movie. I want to see 'Little Miss Sunshine', but that will take another road trip.

Hope all is well. Enjoyed having dinner with you and Em.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Crist? The Spirit of Balls Bluff campaign means you should vote against the incumbents, in this case the incumbent party.

Last time we were in town it seemed like the local political scene was about as normal. TFU.

What's going on with the job now that you are back from Lotus Land?

btw, sounds like a hurricane is headed your way.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Joey said...

Atta boy for voting in spite of everything. Your generation is kind of invisible to politicians because you do not vote. In the Generational Wars, Boomers will win if you guys don't wake up.

Yup, which is why SS privitization has been DOA. Well one of the reasons...

I am going to try to make a point of seeing Beerfest, Snakes on a Plane and Little Miss Sunshine (maybe on the same day)

Hope all is well. Enjoyed having dinner with you and Em.

Us too :)

At 1:51 PM, Scott said...

Crist? The Spirit of Balls Bluff campaign means you should vote against the incumbents, in this case the incumbent party.

And how do you do that in a primary ;)

I may fail on both the govenor's race and the senator's race. If Katherine Harris gets the nomination it will mark the first time I have voted for a Democrat (Bill Nelson).

The job is going reasonably well. I got some work that may postpone my termination for at least a little while.



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