# Joey Is Right Here: Mishmosh <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I haven't been posting much lately, in fact, if it weren't for my weekly photo update I would have been silent for almost two weeks. I didn't even have a beer of the week! Mom stumbled on some Spaten Optimator deeply discounted and just trusted the "Brewed in Munich" tag.

I saw Superman Returns a couple weeks back, and it was plenty good. Definitely up there with the first two, but beating out number 3 and the "The Quest for Peace" (possibly the worst movie ever made) isn't saying much.

Speaking of movies, could the greatest TV show of all time be heading to the big screen? Arrested Development was axed last December despite efforts by its ridiculously loyal fanbase to see it live on outside of FOX. Will Arnett who played GOB said that if Mitch Hurwitz signed on they would give it a try. The good news is that I still have 3 episodes I have never seen! Going overseas prevented me from seeing the end. Europe postponed The Final Countdown. The third and final season hit stores August 29th. Despite being off the air it is ranked 11 on Amazon.com. How sweet is that?

With AD off the air, I can now say The Office is the best comedy on television. The show starts back in September but there are weekly webisodes for the impatient. Unfortunately the long form nature of the show doesn't compress well but they are better than nothing.

Democrats are again complaining about the amount of money energy companies are making. So you can bet they have some solutions right? We can look forward to Harry Reid and John Kerry shaking their finger at oil company executives and acting like the children/empty suits they are. In order to lower the price of gas you need to 1.) increase the supply of oil and 2.) lower the demand for it. The Mideast turmoil, maxed out refining capacity, insatiable demand from developing countries and speculation premium are also playing a part.

Free idea for either party. Encourage companies to allow employees to work from home one day a week (maybe Friday) and bada bing we lower our demand 14%.

Speaking of percentages, Neolibertarian.net has an interesting article on Swedish unemployment statistics. I bet that was the first time "interesting" was followed by those five words.



At 9:54 PM, Blogger Scott said...

No, no! The funniest show on TV is BBC World News on PBS.

Trust me.


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