# Joey Is Right Here: Math Magic <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/1600/jirh.png">title="ambigram"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7051/289/400/jirh.png" /></a>

Friday, July 07, 2006

Math Magic

The Guess The Number Your Thinking Of Gag


The program asks you to pick a two digit number, you then add the digits
together subtract fro m the original number an d when you see a large screen full
of symbol you will find that it shows you your symbol.

The way this works is this...

Every 9th symbol is the same... why does this matter? Well, because we use base 10

Every two digit number (XY) can be written 10X + Y right?

Now subtract X+Y. This can be written, ```10X + Y - (X+Y) which equals 10X -X + Y - Y which of course is just 9X.




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